Dreaming big is the easy part. The hard part is working day in and day out to keep your dreams alive. Do you have a dream you've given up on? Are you close to giving up? Well, before you make a decision you could regret down the road, take a few minutes to consider what that means.
We all have hopes and dreams. Some people dream small. Those are the individuals who won't allow themselves to be disappointed. They refuse to fail at anything. But they also refuse to challenge themselves. Because of that, they'll probably never achieve something truly great. Nothing great ever came easy.
The rest of us dream big. We dream in vivid colour and big pictures. The downside to dreaming big, though, is we face huge obstacles every day. Those obstacles threaten to knock us back, steal our momentum, and break our spirit. Sometimes we just want to throw our hands up and walk away; we want to just quit the whole thing. In that exact moment two types of people are made: those who give up, and those who keep clawing, scratching, and scraping until they achieved their dreams.
If you want to be the individual who keeps clawing, scratching, and scraping, here are some thoughts to keep in mind along your journey. Hopefully they will provide some encouragement in those times when your dreams seem out of reach.
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. The only way you'll ever achieve your dreams is if you really, truly believe in yourself. That doesn't mean you simply fool the rest of the world, projecting confidence and self-assurance in public. Belief in yourself runs much deeper than that. It means every night when your head hits the pillow, you have a smile on your face. You're content that you did everything possible to follow your dreams from the moment you woke until those last moments before sleep. When you wake again in the morning, you must say to yourself, "Today might be the day I finally achieve my dream." And you must mean it. Unless you really mean it, unless you really believe, you've already defeated yourself. So don't allow yourself any room for doubt. To truly achieve your dreams you have to jump in whole-heartedly. A half-effort will only get you halfway there, if that.
ALWAYS HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE. The road to achieving your dreams will certainly be a rocky one. Nothing worth doing is ever simple or easy. But if you keep a positive outlook, you'll overcome adversity. Look at the various roadblocks you encounter as minor setbacks instead of dream-ending catastrophes. If someone tries to knock you down or tell you your dream is too far out of reach, smile and thank them for their thoughts. Then walk away and get back to work chasing your dreams. The more you stay positive, the more accustom you'll become to that positive, uplifted feeling. To put it plainly, you'll be able to get much more accomplished if you feel good. When people get frustrated or depressed, they get hung up on little issues. Those issues can snowball into big issues, and big time wasters. On your way to achieving your dreams, there's no time to waste. Keep your spirits high and you'll avoid the usual pitfalls that trip up negative, defeatist personalities.
TAKE A SMALL STEP EVERY DAY. Every single day, without exception, you should take at least one step toward your goal. Even if the step is small, make it happen. Get in the habit of thinking about your dreams every day. This doesn't mean staring starry-eyed into space and imagining what it would be like to be holding your dream in your hands. It means staying focused and keeping your eye on the prize. The only way to get there is to take a step toward it. The more comfortable you get with thinking about your goals and dreams every day, the easier it will become to fit a daily step into your schedule. Some days, you'll need to devote the entire day to your dream. Don't be afraid to take a day or two off work to focus on your dreams. It's hard to grind through a regular work day and feel motivated when you get home. So set aside a certain amount of time each day, week, month, and year for working on your dreams.
SET MILESTONES AND DON'T LET YOURSELF DOWN. The only way to know if you're heading down the right path to achieving your dreams is to develop milestones. Milestones are key to measuring your progress. You can't get from Point A to Point Zed without filling in the rest of the letters. Sit down and make a list of all the important steps you need to accomplish on the way to achieving your dreams. Consistently revisit that list on your journey. Tick off the steps as you accomplish them. This is a great motivator as well. Once you see how much progress you're making, you'll begin to realise how achievable your dream really is. Everything is easier to accomplish when broken down in to pieces. So break one big dream apart into ten little dreams. Then set out to accomplish each little dream. In no time, you'll be grasping the big dream.
STUDY OTHERS WHO HAVE ACHIEVED SIMILAR GOALS. Find inspiration in others who have achieved similar dreams before you. Their success can spur you on to keep focused and working. If they've written books about their life experiences, read them and see if you can find out the secrets to their success. Most likely they explain in great detail the steps they took on their way to achieving their dream. Can you apply some of their lessons to your own experiences? In most cases, you'll be able to. Plus, seeing and reading about the success of others will surely offer you some inspiration. Knowing others have traveled a similar path and got to the end is always encouraging.
SPREAD THE WORD. Get other people involved in your success. This can mean directly, as in a partnership situation with someone who shares your goal, or simply in a support capacity. Talk about your dreams with supportive friends and family. Keep them updated and curious about your progress. If you know other people are counting on you to keep moving toward your dreams, you can use that as a motivator. This is especially helpful when you have those moments of doubt and want to give up on your dreams. You might think to yourself, "But so-and-so is counting on me. I don't want to let them down." In those moments of self-doubt, you'll have the expectations of others to help get you back on track.
PRACTICE MAKES PROGRESS. Practice may or may not make perfect, but it always makes progress. If you keep practicing at anything you'll get better at it. Perfection is an unrealistic standard. Don't set yourself up for failure by expecting perfection. Instead, expect progress. Each day, work toward honing a skill that will help you achieve your dreams. That may mean taking a course, joining a club, or finding a like-minded group to practice with. Those around you will help inspire the desire to practice and improve. If yours is a solitary pursuit, you'll have to keep the pressure on yourself to stay focused. Self-motivation can be difficult, but it is absolutely essential if you want to keep moving toward your dreams.
KEEP THINGS IN PERSPECTIVE. The journey is fun part. Once you have reached your goal, you'll surely feel a wonderful sense of accomplishment. But the reason it feels so good is because of the journey. The journey was full of struggle and pain and frustration and excitement and exhilaration. When you look back, you'll remember the ride. So as you travel the path toward your dreams, take the time to step outside yourself and look at what you're doing and what you've done. If you're only halfway there, you're halfway further than every person who never started pursuing their dreams. And you're infinitely further than every person who gave up on their dreams. Give yourself credit if you're working hard. The journey is as important as the outcome.
Don't ever let anyone tell you your dreams are too big or too unrealistic. For every person who ever told someone to give up, there's a person who didn't listen and achieved their dreams. Even in the most difficult times, take a deep breath and stay positive. Restate your dreams and refocus your efforts. Each setback should be viewed as a learning experience. If you're smart and learn from a mistake, you'll never have to make that mistake again.
You could work your entire life to achieve a big dream and never get there, but if you worked hard every day you won't look back with any regret. So no matter how bad the deck is stacked against you, no matter how bleak the outlook may get, keep moving forward and never give up on yourself. The only people who look back with regret are the ones who give up.
DOCUMENT YOUR LESSONS LEARNT. There is always hardships and happiness while chasing your dreams. But all that matters is what have you learnt from both of them. Our Human brain is not a terabyte or gigabyte hardisks where we can store anything and everything. It tends to fade out few thing even without our consent. So, Documenting your success or failure really matters when you are trying to chase your dreams again.
DREAM BIG............... LIVE BIG.................
Good Night Folks.... Time to hit the bed and start dreaming BIGGG now..... :)
nice article sir
Stopped blogs? Keep writing sir!
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