Sunday, October 17, 2010

Can we beat the Anger and learn to forget & forgive

If you are like most folks, you are probably wondering, why is there so much pain and anger in the world today? Can it be folks are experiencing much of the pain because of a tendency to hear what they want to hear and not necessarily what is being said? Often when a message does not coincide with what they perceive the truth, they become angry. They allow their emotions to rule to the point they become tunnel in their thinking, which render them incapable of hearing any opposing views. The anger is also the results of unresolved pain or unremedied suffering in their lives.

There are many ways to eliminate, control or alleviate anger, but the main way is to engage in rational discourse with everyone you encounter. To do this requires honesty as well as the intelligence to seek commonalities. When there is rational conversation, all involved ferret out the truth no matter where it leads. They do not act or speak precipitously. In the end they must have a process that provides remedy, especially in group situations, in the event the results of their discussions created a need for compromise.  Nothing can be accomplished if anger is allowed to aggravate and if there is no recourse for resolution, the anger will eventually become toxic and affect all encounters and associations.

It is important to learn to listen constructively and to put in place your own mental and visual filters.  Set aside all preconceived notions or bits and pieces of information gleaned over time, especially if you are listening to opposing views. The mind should be cleared of all the self-serving information floating around and should be taught to focus like a laser on the speaker. Learn to evaluate information from all sources. If you do not understand what you hear, ask questions. Do not form conclusions based on what you thought you heard and go away angry and disillusioned. If you make erroneous conclusions, it is likely you will poison the minds of others with misinformation and they, too, may become angry.

It is important that you are honest with yourself as well as with others. Do not create your own truths to satisfy your own selfish ends. Shakespeare said it best, “To thine own self be true.”  This saying is as appropriate today as it was centuries ago. If you are true to yourself you will not play any man false nor will you allow others to play you false. You will face reality head on and will call ugliness what it is when it rears its ugly head, whether created by you or by those you admire. 

Do not become a pawn in the efforts of others when those efforts are satisfying some festering malevolent need inside themselves. Be your own person and take responsibility for your own thought life. Learn to analyze fully what those types are saying and why they are saying what they are saying. If you fail to take these steps, you deny your true self and you allow others to define you and what is important in your life.  When you stop and evaluate why you are angry or why the angry ranting of others appeal to you – you might be surprised at what you have allowed to take root in your own consciousness.

If you are satisfied with your own behavior or you have analyzed the messages of others and you find them rational and in line with your own values, perhaps there may be cause for some irritation and frustration. Always ensure the annoyances you harbor are rooted in truth and in reality and they pose serious threats to your own core values. But rather than allow them to fester into anger, work constructively to fix those annoyances that are bothering you. If you do not, they will worsen and likely you will suffer both more anger and more pain.

Remember, ongoing anger, and the resulting pain, on any level is decidedly unhealthy and serves no  purpose. If left unchecked, it can kill you.

Once you are angry, You forget to forget and forgive....
My few cents or tips to discover this art...
1) Simplify your life. Life is difficult enough, and there is plenty of drama to go around. Why complicate matters by taking offense and choosing into the drama? If you resist holding on to grudges, you can put that energy into far more useful things.
2) Strengthen your health. Be aware of your body, your health, and a balance in all things. Negativity gets stuck inside of you if you don't work through it. Allow yourself to experience the emotions that you feel and release any hate or stress that remains.
3) Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Mom's advice is still the best advice. Often people don't understand how someone can't forgive them, while at the same time feeling justified in their own pettiness. Be quick to forgive others, and you will be more likely to be forgiven.
4) Do it for you. When you forgive someone, you aren't doing it for them. You're doing it for yourself. It is only by forgiving that you will be able to move forward, heal, and be completely fulfilled. The most enlightened people on the planet are also the most forgiving.
5) Be the example. When you wait for the other person to apologize, you may very well wait until hell freezes over. It's not about them. It's about you. Perhaps you will be able to show a better way. Regardless, you will be better off if you drop the extra baggage.
6) Let your guard down. People that hide from others are only hiding from themselves. What are you afraid of? It's time to stop and take a look at what is getting in the way of accepting yourself and being comfortable in your relationships. The path of denial is a lonely one.
7) Let go of the past. People in our present may pay the price for trespasses of people in our past. This is only possible if you have not yet forgiven those that have wronged you in your life. Get over it and get on with today.
8) Have mercy. Look upon people with love and choose to see them in their best light. Remind yourself that everyone has their own story of unseen pain. Give others the benefit of the doubt and offer a hand of friendship instead of a cold shoulder.
9) Be at peace. Peace may seem elusive to you, because you are not allowing yourself to experience this gift. Forgive yourself, forgive others, and be at peace. Contentment is definitely worth what ever effort it takes to get it.
10) Embrace your true self. How does it feel to get the better of someone? Is it uplifting or just pride boosting? When you support someone in improving their situation, you will feel the expansiveness of love. When you put someone down, you feel the constriction of fear.

Pondering Forgiveness:
1) Who do I need to forgive in my life?
2) Is there anyone that I need to seek forgiveness from?
3) Do I forgive as easily as I would like to be forgiven?

Forgiveness Quote: "There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness." -Josh Billings

Forgiveness Challenge: Take a virtual journey of your life through your mind, forgiving everyone that you need to along the way.
This way, You will realize what you have lost for not forgiving somebody. Also, you will learn what you will achieve if you start forgiving somebody from now.

Some will say, Its easy to say, but not to put it on floor....... But why should we always aim at 100% success rate. Lets initate, Lets take a small step before thinking of conquering Everest....

Trust me, It is possible to beat the anger.... When we can beat thirst n hunger... Why not anger???


sudlo said...

Actually speaking we can beat anger, for this you would have to calm your nerves but in this century for people like you and me it will take some time.. and yes it is necessary to keep our anger in check brother..

Amos said...

Good stuff buddy...keep em coming..Actually the whole Bible is based on forgiveness if you didn't know..